Virtual Volunteers Program

Be a Telefriend for Our Seniors

Connect with seniors and help them with their loneliness and isolation from their families during this Covid-19 time. It’s time to help others and volunteer for this important project that may save lives and provide encouragement to seniors, so they have a better future.

About the Telefriend Program by BeGood

We are here to do good in the world and to help others in their time of need. We are facing weird times and many people are more isolated than ever. Make a change and join our Telefriend Program and make phone calls to seniors. It’s time to show everyone that each person is important, and we all need to be connected, especially now.

Why become a volunteer for the elderly

Becoming a Telefriend will impact on seniors tremendously. Having someone that listens, talks, or helps, can change the life of an elderly person.  Covid-19 has changed the way we live our lives, and it has affected more the 3rd age. If you free just 45 minutes of your time every week, you will make someone on the other side of the phone very happy.


What is expected from our volunteers

As a volunteer, you will be assigned to be a friend of a senior. You will need to make a connection with them by listening, being loyal, and just by being there, as a Telefriend.

Three easy steps to become a telefriend

Register for telefriend

Start your journey with BE-GOOD by filling the registration form and continue with the registration steps.

Get a buddy senior

After you will finish all the admissions steps, we will find for you the perfect elderly person

Call and chat

Make your first call, and meet a friend for a lifetime. Telefriend will be the best decision you ever made.

Caring for the happiness of others, we find our own


Make a difference the lives of elderly people by becoming a telefriend volunteer

Please fill in the registration form and we will contact you shortly with all the information you need

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia there live the blind texts.